Hello, I'm on oversea business trip from 25th.
Last week, I went to Indonesia but this week, do you know where I am?
I'll show you what I ate so please try to think where I'm now.
This is yesterday's lunch.
This is Yesterday's dinner.
答えは上海です。 中華街ってのは何処でもあるけど、
考えてみるとコリアンタウンも結構何処の 国にも有るよね~。
って事で昨日の夜は韓国焼肉でした~。 にんにくモリモリ食べましたぜ~。
The answer is I'm in Shanghai.
We can find China town everywhere in the world but there is Korean town also everywhere in the world.
So yesterday, I ate Korean grilled meat and garlic a lot!