
お食事 with コーベットfamily

大阪梅田 阪急32番街29Fのお好み焼き屋さん「鶴橋」でコーベット一家

On 21st Mar
I had dinner with Corbett family, Roby, Yuko and Mio-chan, at Okonomi-yaki restaurant, Tsuruhashi, in Hankyu 32-Bangai building in Osaka Umeda city.
Mio-chan was born between Canadian daddy Roby and Japanese Mom Yuko so she is a half blood girl.
She is still 1 year and 9 month years old but when she talks with Mon, she use Japanese and when she talks with Daddy, she use English for example “Iya~~!”(the meaning No) for Mom and “NO~~!” for Dad.
Don’t you think she is smart?

1 件のコメント:

Yuko さんのコメント...

Thanks for the night, Tateshi! Great to see you again. Gochisosamadeshita. When we said bye-bye to you, Mio was looking at you going up the escalator and finally saying "Ta, ta (tateshi)".... Oh well, next time...