
再会2014 meeting again her 2014



From yesterday, I was taking class about wood drying at Tokyo.
Yes, you may know who is there in Tokyo.
I could meet Hiroko at Nihonbashi in Tokyo an interval of almost one year and ate Thailand food.
She is nothing change always beautiful and we could spend very good time.
Then we decided an idea.
We want to go to trip to somewhere foreign country with friends whom we met in Toronto once per some years.
We don’t have any idea yet where we going but how about Hawaii, Australia, Thailand and Miyako Island in Okinawa?
Most of friends have family now so we can meet not only friends but also family!
Don’t you think it is great idea?
We will talk and give you some plans later so please wait.

By the way, I would like change topics.
Do you think my forehead is getting wider?

2 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

I think you will look quite okay, even if your forehaed gets wider than current state. There's someone who looks well with very short hair or less hair. I think you are one of those people.^^

doumin さんのコメント...

Thank you Min!
This year I will be 41 years old so l'm losing hair bit by bit.
But I want to be looks young!