
メロン Melon


「何でメロンなんだ!! でんすけスイカの方が良かった。」

Summer vacation will be soon.
This year is from 13th to 21st so it pretty long.
When I'm very much looking forward to coming it, Melons were arrived at my house.

Yes, they are from my friend who is working at wholesale market.
Actually my wife doesn't like melon so she said "Why he sent us melon? Densuke water melon was much better for me".
She complain a lot but it doesn't matter, I'll complete by my self.

3 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Hey~ How are you, Tateshi? Ge~n-ki?
How is weather in Shizuoka?
I remember Shizuoka was not too hot or too cold.
Is it true that your summer holiday is that much long? Good for you.

Nowadays, I'm watching "孤独のグルメ" and "深夜食堂" at the same time, and they are killing me. When I watch TV program of food, I just want to eat the food on the program so badly. Even other fancy food can't meet my satisfaction on that moment. I just need the food only.
But the food and restaurants on the drama are in Japan, so it's kind of suffering on the moment. I envy you.

What is your plan in your holidays? I expect some interesting contents on your blog after your holidays.
Take care and enjoy your holidays!!

doumin さんのコメント...

Hi Min!
I'm good!

I haven't watched the both movie so I don't know what kind of food was on them but when you come to my house next time, I will prepare the food.
So lets make the chance!

I'm planning to visit Koyasan temple which is the world heritage in this vacation and taking movie so please watch after I updating.

See Ya!

Yuko さんのコメント...

Am I too late or what?? Let me join the conversation with you guys!!!!
Oh BTW, Tateshi, your holiday is not from 8/13-9/21 (the part in Japanese). You WISH!!!