
金環日食 Annular Eclipse

本日5/21 朝7:31 世紀の天体ショー金環日食が掛川でドストライクで

Today 21st May on AM7:31, we could clearly see century spherical show “annular eclipse” at my town Kakegawa-city.
When I woke up little before 5:00, thick cloud covered all the sky so I thought it is no chance to see it.
And also bit past 7:00, still thick cloud still stayed at the sky so I was almost gave up the special show but bit before 7:30, the thick cloud was going to somewhere and clear blue sky was opened.
This time, people, living from Okinawa to Tokyo can see this annular eclipse and my area Shizuoka and Tokyo was center of the line.
Anyway, this time I didn’t take the sun picture.
It is sunlight through the trees.
It is really strange natural phenomenon of the annular eclipse.
Shape of the sunlight through the trees on the ground is becoming circle light.
Don’t you think cool this is?
I have big proud of this rare picture and this is much better than picture of the annular eclipse sun.

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